About & Rules

Sign Ups

If you want to participate in the Tournament, please play the Qualifiers in TournamentAssistant. Only players from Germany are allowed to play in the Tournament. Once you show up on the website, you are signed up. If you decide that you do not want to play afterall, just let a Team member know and we will remove you from the website and therefore from the Tournament.

There will be two divisions, a Lower Division and a Higher Division with 16 players per division. The three best players from the Lower Division will advance to the Higher Division. This means that a total of 29 players can qualify for the tournament.


The tournament will be played in a double-elimination-style, meaning players need to lose 2 entire matches to be eliminated from the tournament. Those who lose their first round will go on to play in the Losers Bracket for a chance to climb their way back up to the finals. It is advised that all of the competitors join the "Waiting Room" Voice Chat 15 minutes prior to the starting time. You will then be moved into the designated match room VCs by a coordinator, who will proceed to guide you through the pick and ban phase.

If a player disconnects or otherwise loses connection to the lobby (loses power, etc.) the map will be played as normal and the player who disconnected must decide to use a replay or take the loss.

If you use a banned plugin during the match you automatically lose the map and it cannot be replayed, to continue the match you have to remove the banned plugin Players will be allowed a 5 minutes grace period, after the scheduled start time for the match, to arrive. If you don't arrive in time for your match, your opponent will get a point for every 5 minutes that pass.

Every match is played under the same conditions, with No Fail enabled and any other modifier disabled (that includes Pro Mode).

  • Every Match must be streamed!
  • Min. Stream Quality is 720p 30fps
  • Min. Stream Bitrate is 4000 Kbps
  • First-Person POV and an FOV of 70-90 is required
  • Debris should be turned off in Camera2
  • Arc Intensity must be at a minimum of 50%
  • Please try not to talk during a match if said match is streamed.

Banned Plugins

  • Note Slice Visualizer
  • Intro / Outro Skip
  • PlayFirstSubmitLater
  • Any mods that affect scoring and that disable scores from being uploaded to ScoreSaber or BeatLeader (including standing off-platform also known as NJS cheesing)
  • Accdot Plugin (This does not mean Custom Notes, you can use any kind of Custom Notes, just the specific use of the "accdot" plugin which shows the 115 dots before the blocks have even arrived, is banned)
  • SongChartVisualizer or any similar type of mod showing information about a map while it is being played, such as most Nalaluna mods outside of purely cosmetic ones
  • In light of World Cup events, it is advised to disconnect your in-game Twitch chat, as there is the chance of people unicode-bombing your chat, causing the game to freeze and potentially crash, this is only a suggestion though.
  • If any kind of custom notes are used, try to display them as regular notes for the audience (there is usually a "hmd only" setting for this case)

If you are unsure about any other mods, don't hesitate to ask.


  • Replays can be used for any reason.
  • Every Player gets one replay each match, but only one replay is allowed per map
  • Players cannot call for a replay in the case of winning the map.
  • Both players will be given their scores before they can call a replay and both players will play the map again, should a replay be called by one of the players.
  • If a replay occurs, the better scores of each player will be counted (for example, if player 1 has a better score on their first run and a worse score on their replay, their first score will count nonetheless)



29.01.24 00:00 - 11.02.24 23:59

Lower Division Playoffs


Higher Division Playoffs

